This AWS re:Invent re:Cap will be organized for the community and by the community. We expect many of you already heard the latest news, so this re:Cap is to go one step deeper!
The first speaker will be a Developer Advocate from AWS, but there will be many more speakers from the community who give short presentations of 5, 10, or 15 minutes.
Gunnar Grosch Luc van Donkersgoed Enri Peters (MC) Walter Heck (MC) More TBA
12:30-13:30 Registration 13:30-15:00 Sessions 15:00-15:30 Break 15:30-17:00 Sessions 17:00 End
Drinks & Snacks
Drinks & snacks will be provided during the welcome and the break.
Kinepolis, Jaarbeursplein, Utrecht
Amazon Web Services CloudNation Nordcloud PostNL Schuberg Philis Sue Xebia