AWS Meetup: Breaking Down Monoliths, Amplify with AWS Amplify, Serverless Brewing IPAs

Wed Mar. 11 2020 00:00 Bestseller, Sint Jorrissteeg 2, 1012 XV Amsterdam

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🚨IMPORTANT MESSAGE 🚨 We kindly ask you not to come to the meetup when you recently visited the coronavirus affected countries or any risky places (hospitals). As always: if you feel sick, stay at home. Regularly wash your hands, especially before dinner. Take paper napkins with you, just in case. Thanks!


17:30 Registration & Food

18:30 How to break down a monolith in the world of master data

19:15 Short Break

19:30 20 minutes of Amplify AWSomeness

19:50 Learning API Gateway, SQS, Lambda and DynamoDB by brewing an IPA at home

20:15 Drinks & Networking

21:00 End

How to break down a monolith in the world of master data

How can you handle the scalability and maintainability of a giant monolith? How do you ensure your data has quality? That it’s always available, and standardized? Come listen to our story, our team loves to share. Come and hear how we’ve broken down our monolith, and how we were able to surpass our limitation by going into an AWS architecture.

Debasmita works in the Bestseller Master Data Engineering Team. She is an AWS enthusiast, born in eastern India, with a passion for data and how to make it useful.

20 minutes of Amplify AWSomeness

In this session we dive into the great functionality that AWS Amplify offers. Interested in how AWS Amplify accelerates your application development process? Join this session.

Cornell Knulst works as cloud architect at Info Support. In this role he has guided several customers in their cloud journey on both AWS as Azure.

Learning API Gateway, SQS, Lambda and DynamoDB by brewing an IPA at home

In this talk, you will be guided on how to build an API that can track your beer fermentation process. I will share my lessons learned while I started building this API. These include the power of Lambda destinations and using X-Ray for tracing, analyzing and debugging the flows.

Joris Conijn is a Software Engineer at WoodWing Software with more than 10 years of experience on AWS.

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